update_layout ( margin = dict ( t = 200, r = 200, b = 200, l = 200 ), xaxis = axis_template, yaxis = axis_template, showlegend = False, width = 700, height = 700, autosize = False ) fig.
Scatter ( x = - x + x, y = y - y, line = dict ( color = 'white', width = 3 ))) axis_template = dict ( range =, autorange = False, showgrid = False, zeroline = False, linecolor = 'black', showticklabels = False, ticks = '' ) fig. pi, 1000 ) # angle ( x, y ) = spiral ( theta ) fig. Matrix Heatmaps accept a 2-dimensional matrix or array of data. sort ( ye ), z = z, type = 'heatmap', colorscale = 'Viridis' )) # Add spiral line plot def spiral ( th ): a = 1.120529 b = 0.306349 r = a * np. Learn more about matrix, matrix manipulation MATLAB. # golden ratio xe = ye = z =, ,, ] fig = go. If A and B are matrices of observations, cov (A,B) treats A and B as vectors and is equivalent to cov (A (:),B (:)). If A and B are vectors of observations with equal length, cov (A,B) is the 2 -by- 2 covariance matrix.
Import aph_objects as go import numpy as np # Build the rectangles as a heatmap # specify the edges of the heatmap squares phi = ( 1 + np. C cov (A,B) returns the covariance between two random variables A and B.